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Whitehart Street

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Private Charles James Meredith of the 8th Gloucestershire Regiment died of wounds in England on the 27th July 1916 aged 36.

Born in Tewkesbury he had moved to Cheltenham, living at 8 Whitehart Street and working for the Cheltenham Original Brewery Company.

His battalion was part of the offensive on the Somme, attacking the village of Ovillers-la-Boiselle, centre of a small but heavily defended salient in the German lines. On July 1st the 8th Gloucesters attacked the village and during this attack he was seriously wounded - losing both arms and legs. He was evacuated home to England but died of his wounds on the 27th of July. He left a widow and 5 children, his widow died shortly after him and the children were brought up by relatives.

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Private William Page of the 12th Gloucestershire Regiment died in France on the 29th June 1918.

Son of Albert and Louisa of 7 Whitehart Street.

In June 1918 his battalion was in the valley of the River Lys preparing for a major attack, during the attack he was injured by machine gun fire and died the following day.

Private John Holtham of the 1st/8th Manchster Regiment killed in France on the 16th of July 1918.

Son of Edwin and Elizabeth Holtham of 9 Whitehart Street.

He died in the Somme sector and is commemorated on the St Peters memorial.

Townsend Street

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Private Thomas Frederick Cousins of the Labour Corp died in France on the 27th June 1918.

Son of Henry and Annie Cousins of 8 Townsend Street.

He served in France, where he died of fever and pneumonia.

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Lance Corporal Albert Hopkins 1st Prince of Wales Own (N. Staffordshire Regiment) died in France on the 30th April 1916.

Albert Hopkins of 46 Townsend Street was the son of Henry Hopkins of Russell Street.

He went to France with his unit and went straight into battle at Loos, they were sent to the Wulverghem sector and on the 30th April he died when his unit was subjected to large scale gas attacks.

Private Joseph Morris of the 9th Loyal North Lancashire Regiment killed in France on the 14th July 1916.

Son of Samuel and Emma Morris of 37 Townsend Street.

He was killed on the opening day of the Battle of Bazentin in the Somme sector

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Private Thomas Philip Gay of the 2nd Gloucestershire Regiment died at Salonica on the 5th December 1916.

Private Gay, of 7 Townsend Street, enlisted in Bristol in 1915.

His battalion was scheduled to attack Tumbitza Farm near Kakaraska during the Battle of Monastir, Salonica, the attack was delayed but they drew the attention of the enemy and they drew heavy Bulgarian shelling. Private Gay was wounded and later died of his wounds.

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 Charles J Mallet-13th 2nd Air Mechanic with the Royal Flying Corps killed accidentally in France 13th March 1918, aged 18 

Born and raised in St Peters, he left behind a mother Mrs E S Mallet of 17 Townsend St and a widow Ada Mallett who was living in Birmingham.

He was killed when a bomb accidentally exploded at the airbase he was stationed at in France.

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Sergeant William Hall of the 3rd (Prince of Wales) Dragoon Guards killed in Belgium on the 17th November 1914.

Sergeant Hall of 38 Townsend Street was a regular soldier and had served in the Boer conflict. At the outbreak of war his battalion were in Egypt and they sailed for France. He was killed in the Ypres sector shortly after their arrival.

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Private Albert Edward Page on the 2nd/5t Gloucestershire Regiment killed in France on 4th September 1916,

Eldest son of Albert and Louisa Page of 64 Townsend Street.

It is possible he was attached to the Devonshire Regiment and died at the Battle Guillemont. His Brother William George Page was also killed in the war.

Private William George Page of the 12th Battalion Gloucestershire Regiment died in France on the 29th June 1918.

Son of Albert and Louisa Page of 64 Townsend Street and brother to Private Albert Edward Page who also lost his life.

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