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Tewkesbury Road

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Stoker Petty Officer Edward Attwood of the HMS Meteor killed in the North Sea on the 24th January 1915.

Son of Mr and Mrs Attwood of Tewkesbury Road.

He was killed during the Battle of Dogger Bank.

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Private John Craddock of the 9th Gloucestershire Regiment died inn England on the 10th of November 1918.

Son of Alfred Craddock of Western Cottages, Tewkesbury Road. He was deployed to France in 1915. whilst serving in Salonica in early 1917 he was wounded in the head and leg, he was hospitalised in Malta and recovered. He was transferred, with his battalion, to the Western Front in July 1918 and he was wounded at the Battle of Selle. He was evacuated to England but later died of his wounds.

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Corporal Arthur Harrison of the 10th Gloucestershire Regt – died France 2nd September 1915.

Born in Accrington Lancashire, for 9 years prior to the war he had been assistant Schoolmaster at Holy Trinity School, he lived at 2 Newbury Cottages, Tewkesbury Road. He enlisted in 1914 and went to France with his battalion in August 1915 and was killed on the first day of the Battle of Loos, his unit was annihilated with fewer than 100 men surviving.

Able Seaman Frank Harry Bowstead of the Royal Navy (HMS Powerful)died in England on the 6th October 1918, age 18

The son of Charles and Sabina Bowstead of Arle Cottages, Tewkesbury Road.

He died in England and is buried at the Cheltenham Borough Cemetery

Rifleman Thomas Henry Baker of the 1st/5th London Reiment was killed in France on the 28th of March 1918.

He was the son of John and Alice Baker of 118 Tewkesbury Road

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Gunner Percy William Barnes of the Royal Garrison Artillery died in France 18th May 1918 aged 18.

Born in Cheltenham, his parents were the occupants of the Odessa Inn on Tewkesbury Road. He was serving with 213 Anti-Aircraft Section of the Royal Garrison Artillery when he was fatally injured during a bombing attack on his position. His two brothers also served.

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Sergeant George Daniels of the 1st Gloucestershire Regiment killed in France on the 8th September 1916.

Son of Elizabeth Daniels of 108 Tewkesbury Road. He was a regular soldier who had enlisted in 1912, he was drafted to France in 1914 and was still a corporal when he was injured at the Battle of Ypres in November of that year. In 1916 his battalion was in the Somme sector, as they moved into High Wood through the Black Watch Trench they attacked the enemy and were met with heavy machine gun fire, rifle fire and liquid fire. Sergeant Daniels was killed during this attack.

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Sergeant Harry Tandy of the 2nd Prince of Wales Leinster Regiment (Royal Canadians) killed 18th October 1918.

Son of Alfred and Harriet Tandy of 90 Tewkesbury Road. He was a well known Cheltenham Town rugby player.

He was deployed to France in September 1914, in mid October during the Battle of Armentieres, his unit was part of the force advancing towards Lille from the east. Sergeant Tandy was killed by  shellfire during this advance.

Private Henry Francis Halling of the Labour Corps died in Belgium on the 19th October 1918.

Born in Gloucester, but registered at 131 Tewkesbury Road.

He originally enlisted in the Bedfordshire Regiment but later transferred. He died of unspecified causes on the 19th October 1918.

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Private Harry Brown of the 18th Welsh Regiment was killed in France on the 12th April 1918, aged 19.

Son of Henry and Emily Brown of 12 Tewkesbury Road. He was killed at the Battle of Hazebrouk during the offensive in Flanders in 1918.

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Private Cecil James Delaney of the 10th Gloucestershire Regiment killed in France on 25th September 1915, aged 16.

He was the son of MH and Elizabeth Delaney of the Post Office on Tewkesbury Road.

He was too young for overseas service so must have falsified his age, he was drafted to France and killed on the first day of the Battle of Loos.

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Private Albert Edward Taylor of the Royal Marine Light Infantry killed in France on the 17th February 1917.

Son of Thomas and Emily Taylor of Brandon Terrace, Tewkesbury Road and a former employee of Cheltenham Original Brewery Company.

In early 1917 his unit took part in operations in the River Ancre area, to follow the German retreat to the Hindenburg Line. It was likely he was killed in action at Miraumont.

Private Edward McIntosh of the 6th Gloucestershire Regiment died in England on 18th May 1917, aged 29.

Edward McIntosh of 21 Tewkesbury Road enlisted in July 1915 and served in France and Flanders. He died of shell-shock in England.

Private Leslie Shaw of the Machine Gun Corps (Infantry) died in France on the 21st January 1918.

Son of Elizabeth Shaw of 91 Tewkesbury Road. He was serving in the Somme sector when he was killed

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