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Sun Street

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Private Sidney Clappen of the 9th Devonshire Regiment was killed in France on the 23rd August 1917.

Son of Harry and Annie of 41a Sun Street. He was invalided home from the war with frost bitten feet, he returned to war and was killed when a bomb accidentally exploded.

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Gunner Leonard Clissold of 18th Battery Royal Field Artillery died in France on 13th April 1915 aged 21.

Son of Florence Emily Organ, formerly Clissold of 42 Sun St. He was serving in France when he fell ill from typhoid and died.

Private Alick James Tyler Harris of the (Queens Own)Royal West Kent Regiment died of illness in England on the 30th January 1919, aged 22.

The son of Susannah Harris of Bengeworth, 33 Sun Street.

He served with the 21st Lancers, he transferred to the depot of the Royal West Kent Regiment  and died of tuberculosis.

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Private George William Hyde of the 2nd Princess Charlotte of Wales (Royal Berkshire Regiment) killed in France on the 25th September 1915, aged 19.

Son of William and Ellen Hyde of 37 Sun Street, he had worked for the Gloucestershire Echo.

He was killed on the first day of the battle of Loos.

Stanhope Street (now Hope Street)

Lance Corporal Sidney Richard Leach of the 8th Gloucestershire Regiment killed in Belgium on the 26th September 1917, aged 19.

Youngest son of Elizabeth Leach of 73 Stanhope Street.

In 1917 he was with his battalion in the Ypres sector in Belgium and took part in the battle of Menin Road, the weather was against them and they suffered heavy casualties from artillery fire, he was killed during this battle.

Private Henry Francis Mulliss of the 2nd Gloucestershire Regiment killed in Salonica on the 31st October 1916.

Son of Henry and Adelaide Mulliss of 65 Stanhope Street.

After training he was drafted to the 7th Gloucesters at Gallipoli and then to the 2nd Gloucesters who were deployed in the area of Lake Doiran, opposite Bulgarian army units, he died during this battle.

Elm Street

Private Alexander John Yates of the 15th Hampshire Regiment killed in Belgium on the 22nd of October 1918, aged 19.

Born in Cheltenham son of William and Harriet Yates of 6 Elm Street.

He was with the 15th Hampshires in the final advance through Flanders in October 1918, they were involved in the capture of Courtrai and were proceeding along the valley of the river Lys towards Oeteghem when he was killed.

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